Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Magnet Make-up Board, another Pinterest inspiration!

So here we are, yet again. Another Pinterest inspiration. I actually had intention of posting this a LONG time ago right after I had made this. But, as you know, time slipped away from me. It was October so the hustle and bustle of the holidays was right within grasp as well as finals and just the normal craziness that happens from October-Jan for just about everyone! My cousin turned 15 in early October and I struggled with what to get her. I have lately turned to making gifts for people since its a lot cheaper, you can give something one of a kind, and with all the fabulous ideas on Pinterest, it gave a crafty person like me a reason to try something new!

Here was my inspiration:

Pinned Image
Found on Pinterest via LauraThoughts81.blogspot.com

Here is what I came up with:

This was actually so easy to make! I did supply her with magnets so that if she wanted to use it as a make-up board she could, but she could also use it for what ever needs she found suited her best. I just thought it turned out funky and fun and just perfect for her! Here is the process of how I made this magnet board:

First, I found a cheap frame at the thrift store that had great shape and an awesome design in the molding. Its obviously an ugly frame but it had great potential! I only paid $4 for the frame!! WooHoo!!

Then I had to find something that the magnets could stick to that was light enough to work with. So, the best thing I could find was this Galvanized Flashing. I'm not sure what the actual use for this is, however it was inexpensive and was perfect for what I needed it for. The roll cost about $13 however, there is enough flashing here for me to do about 20 more smaller frames. Needless to say this was a purchase that will come in handy for many other projects down the road. I would say I used about $2 worth of the product, roughly.

Next I just traced out what I needed, then painted the frame a shiney black color.

Now, I didn't want the metal to show so I found some fabric that was on sale at Walmart that I thought would really "pop" in her room. If you have seen my daughters bright neon green walls in her bedroom, then you would be familiar with my cousins walls as its the exact same green color. I felt this pink cheetah fabric, that I only paid $1.20 for, would really work well against the green!

The hardest part of this whole project was finding a way to attach the fabric covered metal piece to the frame so that it would hold. I tried hot glue, super glue, just about 5 different glues I could find around my house. It finally held but lets just say the back is something left to be desired lol. Lucky it wont get seen and all you will see is the fabulous front! It turned out to be a hit and she loved it! I'm thinking of making myself one for the kitchen to keep track of notes, school papers, and reminders. Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


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