Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Crayola Color Bubbles Review

So I have been wanting to do a review for a long time. Really on anything lol. I am that person that when I want to purchase something that I dont know alot about then I google reviews, I look on youtube to see if anyone has any video reviews on the product, I search and search and SEARCH about the product if im going to be spending a good amount of money on that certain item. And sometimes I like to read reviews about small products too. Its just nice to hear from other people what they think about products that we may or may not be interested in. This review is going to be over the Crayola Color Bubbles. You may have seen the commercial for these. In the commercial the kids are blowing bubbles in the yard and the colors of the bubbles are very vibrant. The bubbles come in a bunch of different colors. The colors we bought to try out at Green, Orange, Pink, and Purple. However, we only ended up openning the Green and Orange so those are the only colors that I can review.

Anyways, so we got our two color bubbles and headed outside. Now mind you, I had Gracie in only a pull-up and water shoes because I was expecting the worse with these bubbles and just knew that If I kept her clothes on then we may ruin a nice outfit and that was just something I was not going to be okay with lol.

We started with the green bubbles. Notice that the lable says "Spill Resistant Bottle" :

After openning the bottle, it was clear that it was NOT a spill resistant bottle AT ALL!

Gracie was insistant that I give her her very own bottle, so I gave in and let her have the orange, This is the result of letting her play with her own bottle:

We tried blowing a few bubbles. I tried to take some pictures of the bubbls to show you how vibrant the colors really were but they didnt turn out to well because it was pretty windy that day and the bubbles would float away before I could capture them on camra lol. This is the best I got:

My overall score on these bubbles is a 5 out of 10. They were a little fun, but even Gracie was not interested in them after about 5 min. She didnt like that they were getting all over her and even she didnt like the mess. The good thing about them, is that they are very washable! After we played we headed straight for the bath tub to get Gracie cleaned up and it scrubbed right off with little effort. Although, I cant say if the colors come off of your clothes well or not. We were lucky enough not to have got any on my clothes, and Gracie was only in a pull-up lol. I would recommend these bubbles be something you play with while your playing outside ONLY and maybe while playing with a sprinkler near by. They were fun, and the colors were neat, but we seemed to be fighting the mess and splatter from the bottle more than enjoying the bubbles. It was a neat idea from Crayola, but I think they need to do some changes to the bottle a little bit.


  1. We thought the bubbles would be great for Gage. Darcie's mom gave him the money at the bridal shower along with a coupon. We headed to the store and got some, SO EXCITED to try them. We got the gun that suppose to blow them everywhere. Well they just splattered out of the end and made a big mess. David got it to work a lil if you did it realllllllllly fast but it was still leaking out of the end of the gun. Gage wasn't impressed and went back to playing. I was so disappointed! lol

  2. That is EXACTLY what happend to us. My mom bought the bubbles and the gun for Baby G and we were soooo excited to try them out. However, I was not about to open the gun until I tested out the bubbles first lol. Ofcorse she doesnt have the receipt so im not sure what to do with the rest of these. We will probably use them again, but save them for a day when NOTHING else makes her happy and we have run out of things to play with lol. A last resort toy haha. Kindof like playdough that only comes out when she has driven me crazy complaining about all her other toys and how "not fun" they are lol.
