Thursday, July 28, 2011

She Did It! She Did It! YAY!!

We officially did it! Gracie has now ventured into the world of wearing big girl panties, at least 90% of the time! Yes, I said it! She is now potty trained!!! YAY!! I'm so excited! Can you since my excitement in the least bit?! Did you just feel the earth shake from all the jumping I'm doing for this new accomplishment in our household??!? If your a parent yourself and you have tackled potty training then you can completely understand what that excitement feels like. I cant even begin to tell you how happy I am that she decided she was ready for this, and all before school starts! Couldn't be better timing :) We have dabbled in trying to master the potty situation for about 6-8 months. But we never got farther then just sitting on the potty and playing, she just wasn't ready. We would sit on the potty only before bath time, because that's the only time I could get her to sit there long enough. 9 out of 10 times she wouldn't pee, and if she did pee, I would just figure it was luck. But last Tuesday when she came to me wanting to sit on the potty in the beginning of our day, I was SHOCKED! But, I let her try, thinking it was more of a game to her then anything else. To my surprise, she was serious. She went right at that moment in the potty and continued to go in the potty the rest of the day. She would tell me about 80% of the time that she needed to go. After a few days of successfully still using the potty every time she needed to go, the "Potty Fairy" made a visit to our house (potty fairy, aka her grandmother lol). The Potty Fairy brought Gracie a new princess potty (as seen in the picture above), a new matching princess stool that would be easier for her to move around, and new princess panties. This was just the thing to keep Gracie on track! She was so excited about the new potty supplies that it encouraged her to want to keep going in the potty! If she peed/pooped in the potty I would let her pick out a piece of candy and found some old stickers and some construction paper and let her put a sticker on her "potty chart" every time she went. She LOVED all this excitement about potty training and now over a week later she is still using the potty! We use Pull-Up's at night time only, for obvious reasons. We have had a couple "accidents" during this first week of training, but they have all been poop related. I think, at least I'm guessing, that the poop "feeling" might be a little bit harder to detect for the little ones, and honestly its only been a couple times that we have had that "accident" so I'm not complaining. Even going on vacation last week she was able to still stay focused enough to still go when she needed to "go". So I'm curious, how did the rest of you tackle potty training? Did you have any crazy things that worked to get them interested and did your kids just decide on their own they were ready?! What were your results and how did you feel when they finally mastered the obstacle's?!


  1. YAY!!!! GRACIE!!!!
    we are still playin on the potty. We are just working on getting familiar. He is doing really good at school with the potty. I am getting ideas from you for the potty fairy and such. I am not going to pressure him though. All in due time.

  2. Exactly, before you know it he will be peeing in the potty all the time! I remember feeling like we would never get to this phase lol.
